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fishing in japan  // Posts tagged as "fishing in japan"

17 Mar Posted by in Fly FISHING & Fly TYING | Comments

Japanese fly fishing or a «gift from heaven», 1/2

Japanese fly fishing or a «gift from heaven», 1/2

During last 20 years, when I was getting involved as a fishing guide on many rivers and lakes in Czechia and abroad, I was very lucky to meet a lot of interesting people from all over the world and investigate a whole bunch of often astonishingly successful fishing techniques. One of them is without any […]


Teruo Nakahigashi (Japan)

Teruo Nakahigashi (Japan)

Interview with Teruo Nakahigashi – japanese angler and traveler Hello, Teruo! I’m very glad that You found some time for the interview! How did You start to fish and how long have you been fishing? T.N.: I have always been fishing since I was 5 year old. My father was an angler as well. Classic. […]